Movie Review: Second Act: Jennifer Lopez is back

Jennifer Lopez returned after a long absence from the office comedy Suddenly Acting ( Second Act ). This time, she will bring the image of a 'workaholic girl' in the era of busy life today.

Movie content Suddenly Boss

Suddenly be a Boss

The story revolves around the character Maya Vargas (Jennifer Lopez) is a small manager in a big supermarket. Because she didn't have a degree, she was still a dozen years younger than her peers. Since Arthur (Dan Bucatinsky), a master of business administration came to make Maya worry a lot about her very difficult career.

Knowing this, the son of a close friend helped Maya create a new identity with information "in the sky." This gives her the opportunity to work in a senior position at a giant corporation. Maya now owns a large office, a private apartment and a beautiful assistant female Zoe (Vanessa Hudgens).

Suddenly be a Boss

However, the life "Cinderella princess" is not simple when a series of trouble suddenly comes. Virtual information from social networks gives this manager new relationships and countless difficult challenges.

This is also the time when Maya's personal and professional life stood on the brink of breaking, besides the "enthusiastic" help of close friends including Joan (Leah Remini), Ant (Dierdre Friel) and Suzi (Lacretta).

Good review

Suddenly be a Boss

Jennifer Lopez's acting is also a highlight of the film. She acted like she didn't act, like Lopez's character was herself in the past, the story she went through and so she didn't seem to spend too much effort to do her part well. The supporting cast also contributed a lot, supporting Lopez to complete the film well.

Suddenly be a Boss

The film has very good inspiration for viewers. There are no well-invested songs, no big philosophies, big words that make people feel very heavy and don't include the reality of the dark society that forces them to form Thinking beyond my ability. It's all just a light storyline told by a bright, pleasant style, helping you take the movie as if it's your own story. It's like when you look at the past, you realize what you've been through and then you smile because it is the same things that made you who you are today.

Suddenly be a Boss

Is the issue of a university degree really important when the experience fully speaks to one's strength? The value of an ancient college degree still holds its value and importance and in the minds of many people, owning a college degree means that they will have a bright future. But it is because such a piece of paper prevents many people from reaching the success that belongs to them.

The specific forgiveness here for lies is also mentioned. Lies are always powerful invisible enemies that can ruin relationships no matter how good they are.

Not good reviews

Suddenly be a Boss

Maya's difficulties are still quite simple, thus reducing the drama level. The ending was pushed away quite quickly so it felt not very realistic. The climax is also not too impressive as it is too light. Except for the well-groomed Maya mother-son relationship, the remaining characters haven't really had a good interaction with each other, or in other words, there is still superficiality.

Decided to see

Suddenly be a Boss

In short, Suddenly Being a Boss brings a gentle, easy-to-see, easy-to-feel emotional story with Jennifer Lopez who appears to be worth seeing during these holidays right. There are many casual lessons you will get. The meaning of life from the movie will help you find your true worth.

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